Wednesday 13 January 2016

Time time time, see what’s become of me

Life is a massive juggling act of responsibilities and commitments, and finding the time to exercise and eat healthy is often the first casualty of a busy lifestyle. BUT (and this is a big BUT) eating well and staying fit not only makes you feel fabulous but also gives you great energy to take on the daily grind! 

So it’s worth learning some clever time-saving tricks that will allow you to  do it all… This is time management, the ACE way!
2 hrs planning for 7 days of good eating
Dedicate two hours of your week planning menus and making sure you have what you need to make it happen. Shopping the ACE way means you won’t ever have that moment where you end up making cheesy pasta because it’s all you have to hand. Think about what you are going to eat, have a look in your cupboards, do a shop, do some advance cooking…. and relax. 

ACE are creating an essential list for your weekly shop, which we will publish soon. In the meantime here are some of our top tips...
1. Go FROZEN - The amount of frozen fruit, veg and herbs on offer, already chopped, diced, shredded etc is amazing and great value for money. It means you have instant padding for your protein supper AND can throw together a soup in minutes. Sure, the fresh stuff is a bit better to have raw but for stews and soups frozen is fine and means you don’t have to worry about only having droopy beans to work with.
2. Stock up on protein - meat, chicken & fish- buy in bulk and then individually bag them up and freeze them. You can easily take something out to defrost before you go to work and as soon as you get home it will be ready to be cooked.
3. Batch cook - once a week or even once a fortnight cook in bulk and freeze-in family size or individual portions. This not only saves time but is great for portion control and making sure you don’t over-eat.
4. A family affair - don’t cook three different meals a night. Get your kids and partners eating the same as you. We’ve got loads of creative recipes coming your way that the whole family will enjoy. Teach your kids about eating healthily and make it yummy for everyone. 
5. Tins & packets - keep in stock a drawer full of lentils, barley, quinoa, whole-wheat cous cous, brown rice etc.. The list is endless - all quick and easy to make and great additions to your soups, stews or all on their own. Likewise for tins, stock up on chick peas, cannellini beans, kidney beans and you'll always have something delicious ready at hand to throw on your salad or add to your stir fry.

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